Rules And Procedures


  • Students are let in at 7:15 am. ● Breakfast is from 7:15 am- 7:40 am.
  • Students who don’t eat breakfast should go to the gym (after the first week they will report to their 1st period) Teachers will pick them up from the gym.
  • Students who would like breakfast should go straight to the café for breakfast. Students line up and get their breakfast as they come in and exit after eating to transition to the gym.
  • Breakfast ends at 7:40 am.
  • Transition
  • Students have 5 minutes to transition to class.
  • Students should not be allowed to exit rooms the first 10 minutes and last 10 minutes of class. Students may go to the locker after


A-Lunch-11:05am-11:35am ● 6th and 9th grade lunch


  • 2:50pm Afternoon Announcements start
  • 2:55pm: Bus Riders dismissed to MS Gym and taken to ES Gym
  • 2:57pm: Walkers Dismissed 2:58 pm Y-Care students dismissed to MS Cafeteria
  • 3:00pm: students are dismissed to MS pickup/drop-off area for dismissal